Wouter Fourie put retirement on your todolist 2Jan2023

Put retirement planning on your 2023 to-do list

Before you join the gym or start your diet, have your overall finances analysed by a properly qualified certified financial planner.

By Wouter Fourie (CFP®)
CEO of Ascor® Independent Wealth Management.
Wouter Fourie is Past winner of the FPI Financial Planner of the Year competition and the co-author of The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa and, Secure your retirement.


How’s your to-do list as you start the new year? Got to take down the Christmas tree and clean up the holiday décor? Maybe join a gym? That’s in the short term, but what about the long term? Is creating a retirement income plan anywhere on your list or is it too much to think about right now?

We want to caution you about kicking that can down the road. It is so easy to ignore retirement planning, but it is so important that it needs to be a top priority on your to-do list going into 2023.

So, before you join the gym, or start your diet, have your overall finances analysed by a properly qualified certified financial planner professional. This process is a financial needs analysis. Each person’s plan is unique to them. Retirement planning is a learning process and, if done correctly, will add meaningful value towards a financially stress-free retirement.

In our best-seller book, The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa, Bruce Cameron and I, provide guidance on some important questions you need to consider.

They are:

  • Do you have enough to maintain your current lifestyle and do the things you want to do in retirement?

  • Have you paid off all your debts?

  • Do you have enough to pay higher medical bills?

If you can answer yes to all three, then you are financially ready to retire, if not then you need to plan. Start planning for tomorrow, today.

 “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible” – Tony Robbins. 

Please visit www.retirementplanning.co.za for more information on the best-seller book “The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa”, which was written by Wouter Fourie and his co-author, Bruce Cameron.


This article first appeared on moneyweb.co.za at  https://www.moneyweb.co.za/financial-advisor-views/put-retirement-planning-on-your-2023-to-do-list/

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