Financial Planning for Women
Survivors checklist – In the unfortunate event of losing a spouse
The death of a spouse is one of the most devastating events of a person’s life. Survivors must cope with more than grief; they also have to deal with crucial financial matters.
This can be particular stressful if the surviving spouse is the wife, and she did not play an active role in the household finances. No one wants to think about a day like that, but being prepared will give you and your family peace of mind to morn without getting caught up in the logistic processes of death.
This Survivors checklist will assist you in the difficult days, weeks and months after your spouse’s death.
Some of the arrangements will have to be done by the Executor of the estate and others can be done by family or friends.
Please remember that this information is just a guide, and not all of the details will apply in your case.
Contact Ascor® to discuss your individual circumstances. We will assist you in drawing up a Will (if you don’t already have a Will) and complete an Estate directory, which is a comprehensive document that contains all the relevant information about you and your spouse.
1. Report and register the death | Check |
Contact the family doctor or hospital about obtaining the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death. | |
Contact a Funeral director to transport the deceased from the place of death (if death did not occur at hospital) to the nearest State Mortuary.
The deceased will have to be formally identified at the mortuary prior to the release of the body to the funeral Director. |
The Births & Deaths Registration Act requires that a person’s death be reported to Department of Home affairs or SA Police Service members as soon as the family gets a medical certificate from the doctor. | |
Complete the form BI-1663, Notification of Death when reporting the death.
The following people have to complete different sections of the form: Person reporting the death, Medical practitioner, Home affairs officer or member of SA Police. |
The Register of Births & Death will give you a Death Report (Form BI-1680) that will be issued after the death has been registered, together with a burial order (Form BI-14) | |
The department of Home Affairs will issue a death certificate on receipt of the Notification of death and the Death Report together with an abridge death certificate on the same day (BI-132) of registration of death. | |
The Executor needs several copies (20) of the Death Certificate stamped and certified by a Commissioner of Oaths. Every instruction given and transaction one on behalf of the deceased will need to be accompanied by a certified copy of the death certificate. | |
2. Planning the Funeral | Check |
The funeral should be planned around the preferred wishes of the deceased, stipulated in his/her will.
The responsibility for funeral arrangements and determining the deceased last resting place normal falls on the closest next of kin or the persons named as heirs in the deceased’s will |
If the diseased was religious, one should contact the decease’s place of worship to find out what funeral services they offer. |
Click to download the Survivors Checklist
Survivors checklist when a loved one dies