Top UP investment management student awarded

Tuks Investment management award 2018Ascor® Awards Top Students at UP

Ascor® Independent Wealth Managers has honoured the best B.Com Investment Management students at the University of Pretoria.

Every year, Ascor® awards a cash prize to the best Investment Management student. The award is handed over during a special function and this year it was attended by Ascor® MD, Wouter Fourie.

This year, the award was shared by two students who performed equally well.

UP Investment Management Award by Ascor Emile Behrtel

They are Emile Behrtel and Sonya Lakhani who both completed their B.Com Investment Management Honours degrees. This degree programme is presented by the Financial Management Department.

UP Investment Management Award by Ascor Sonya Lakhani

 Ascor® Independent Wealth Managers is fully committed to developing future talent in the fields of financial planning, tax, accounting and assurance.

It was one of the first FPI Certified professional practices in South Africa and one of the first companies to be officially accredited to offer internships for CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS®. It also supports related initiatives by the South African Institute of Professional Accountants.

“We celebrate the hard work and achievements of these two young students and wish them well for the future. It is exciting to see so much interest in our profession and the high level of professionalism from the students and the academic team at the University of Pretoria,” says Wouter.


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