Investment Planning
Investing your hard earned savings can be overwhelming. There are so many possible investment opportunities available to you, and sifting through the various options can be time consuming.
Investing your savings indiscriminately, could lead to permanent capital losses which could possibly never be recovered.
Investment services offered by Ascor include:
Tax-free savings accounts
Retirement annuities
Establishing and managing of Group Risk and Pension Funds
Facilitating the transfer of Pension and Provident funds to Preservation funds
Discretionary investments
Evaluation of current investment portfolios and making recommendations to re-structure
General investment advice
Ascor® will follow the correct investment approach and has already done this research on your behalf making the complex journey much simpler.
We apply a robust investment strategy that matches your future income and growth requirements with an investment portfolio that has a high probability of achieving the required results without taking unnecessary investment risks.
Read more on Investment planning