Old Mutual Best Practice Adviser Awards 2017
Ascor® awarded Excellence in Investment Planning
Ascor® Independent Wealth Managers® was again recognised as one of South Africa’s top independent financial planners at the Old Mutual / International Adviser Awards at the Vineyard Hotel in Cape Town.
Wouter Fourie, an Ascor® director and the 2015/16 FPI Financial Planner of the Year, represented Ascor® at today’s prize giving, where he received the Award for Excellence in Investment Planning.
“We are very honoured to receive the award,” said Wouter, who was also a speaker at the prize giving. “Ultimately, our skills and expertise in managing our clients’ savings and investment are paramount to our success.”
Ascor® remains one of the most awarded independent wealth managers in the International Adviser competition. Last year it won four awards, including awards for the best use of social media, excellence in marketing and communication, the efficient use of technology and the overall award as South Africa’s top independent advisor.
In receiving the 2017 award for excellence in investment planning, Ascor® was recognised for its client-driven investment strategy. Rather than using a standard process for assessing risk and investment goals, Ascor® starts with the client’s goals and lifestyle. It then custom makes an investment strategy for its clients.
For more information on Ascor® and its range of services, please visit www.ascor.co.za.
Ascor® Independent Wealth Managers het wéér erkenning ontvang as een van Suid-Afrika se top onafhanklike finansiële beplanners. Die keer was die geleentheid die 2017 Old Mutual / International Adviser-toekennings by die Vineyard Hotel in Kaapstad.
Wouter Fourie, een van die Ascor®-direkteure en die 2015/16 FPI Finansiële Beplanner van die Jaar, het Ascor® tydens die geleentheid verteenwoordig. Hy is verhoog toe geroep om die toekenning vir Uitnemendheid in Beleggingsbeplanning in ontvangs te neem.
“Ons is baie geëerd om hierdie toekenning te ontvang,” sê Wouter, wat ook as spreker tydens die geleentheid opgetree het. “Ons kennis en vernuf met die bestuur van ons kliënte se beleggings is immers die kern van ons en hulle sukses.”
Ascor® is steeds een van die mees bekroonde onafhanklike finansiële beplanningsfirmas in Suid-Afrika en in die International Adviser-kompetisie. In 2016 het die firma toekennings ontvang vir hul uitnemendheid in sosiale media, bemarking en kommunikasie, die gebruik van tegnologie en die algehele toekenning as Suid-Afrika se top onafhanklike finansiële beplanner.
Met die 2017-toekenning vir uitnemendheid in beleggingsbestuur is Ascor® bekroon vir sy beleggingsfilosofie, wat wegdoen met ‘n standaard-benadering vir alle beleggers en eerder fokus op elke belegger se unieke behoeftes en leefstyl. Met dié beginpunt kan Ascor® dan ‘n unieke belegginsplan vir elke kliënt skep.
Vir meer inligting oor Ascor® en sy reeks dienste, besoek gerus www.ascor.co.za
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