Dalende rentekoerse en beleggers
Wouter Fourie, finansiële beplanner en direkteur van Ascor Wealth.
Andries van Zyl / 28 March 2017 19:05
Die rand ry deesdae wipplank en dit het ‘n daadwerklike impak op rentekoerse.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Reserwebank gebruik rentekoerse om die inflasiekoers te beheer en die beskikbaarheid van geld in die mark te verhoog of te verlaag. Maar wat gedoen as die mark só skommel en wat is die kenners se verwagting vir rentekoerse vir die res van die jaar?
In die meegaande gesprek gesels Wouter Fourie, ‘n direkteur van Ascor Independent Wealth Managers en die 2015/16 FPI Financial Planner of the Year, met Andries van Zyl van RSG Geldsake oor die kanse op ‘n moontlike rentekoers-verlaging later vanjaar.
Die gesprek dek ook interessante beleggingsalternatiewe, soos inflasie-gekoppelde gewaarborgde annuïteite, wat beleggers die opsie gee om hul toekomstige rente-inkomste aan inflasie te koppel.
Luister gerus na die meegaande MP3.
The South African rand has been playing all kinds of tricks on the market in recent months and this certainly has an influence on interest rates in the future.
Interest rates are being used by the Reserve Bank to control inflation, by increasing or decreasing the amount of money that is available in the market. But what should one do if the market is see-sawing and what is the general expectation for interest rates for the rest of the year?
In the attached podcast, Wouter Fourie – a director of Ascor Independent Wealth Managers and the 2015/16 FPI Financial Planner of the Year speaks to Andries van Zyl of RSG Geldsake about the possibility of an interest rate cut later in the year.
The discussion also includes references to some very interesting new financial products, such as inflation-linked guaranteed annuities, which allows investors an alternative to the share market if they want to invest in products that will beat inflation.
For more information, please listen to the attached MP3, which is in Afrikaans.