Retirement – decisions, decisions!

Martin de Kock Retirement decisions decisions 24Oct2024

Retirement ….. decisions, decisions! By Martin de Kock CA(SA) CFP® Director of Ascor® Independent Wealth Managers   For many people retiring is a daunting life transition. It is all the more daunting if you have not saved enough for a comfortable retirement. There are a myriad options that need to be considered and decisions to …

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The tax implications on your retirement should you move abroad

Martin de Kock The tax implications on your retirement should you move abroad Oct2021

The tax implications on your retirement should you move abroad Have kids abroad or considering retirement on a Mediterranean island? Read this broad overview on tax implications when moving abroad. By  Martin de Kock (CFP®) – Ascor® Independent Wealth Managers Recent events in South Africa have raised an important question for pensioners or would-be retirees planning …

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Use tax rules on retirement to your advantage

Wouter Fourie Use tax rules on retirement to your advantage 21072019

Use tax rules on retirement to your advantage Wouter Fourie CEO of Ascor® Independent Wealth Managers and a former winner of the FPI Financial Planner of the Year award Calculating and paying taxes is burdensome at any stage of life, but even more so when you are on the cusp of retirement. At this important …

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How much tax will be payable on the sale of a house held in trust?

wouter business day

How much tax will be payable on the sale of a house held in trust? Capital gains tax was introduced in SA with effect from October 1 2001 and the gain or loss attributable for the period only needs to be considered on or after that date Question: We purchased a house for R325,000 in …

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How to pay zero tax in retirement

MdK how to pay zero tax in retirement

How to pay zero tax in retirement Ingé Lamprecht 1 June 2018   Ultimately, tax is only one of the various factors retirees need to take into account when structuring their financial affairs. When an acquaintance recently turned 64, he said he “couldn’t wait” for his next birthday. The people around the table at his …

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Tax tips 2016

Tax Tips for individuals 2016 With the 2016 income tax season officially open, we receive a lot of queries relating to what can be claimed on an individual’s tax return. In order to assist clients to maximize their tax deductible expenses we have compiled a summary of the expenses that clients can claim:  Retirement …

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