Why Income protection?

Michelle Bester Why income protection 24Oct2023

Why Income Protection? By Michelle Bester (CFP®)   Protecting your income is crucial, especially in uncertain times. Your ability to earn an income is probably your most valuable asset. It helps you to provide for yourself and your loved ones, achieve your goals, and plan for your future. Income protection is a type of insurance …

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Five risks to your chances of retiring well and the antidotes

Wouter Five risks to your chances of retiring well and the antidotes 06102019

Five risks to your chances of retiring well – and the antidotes While these conditions may be a risk to your pension fund, the greater risk to your nest egg and to you retiring comfortably is much closer to home By Wouter Fourie (CFP®) Most retirees underestimate how long their retirement years will last.Open any …

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Risk profiles are risky, advisers admit

FINANCIAL PLANNING / 18 Jun ’16, 07:25am Laura du Preez All the major providers of financial products still require your financial adviser to complete an investment risk questionnaire before they will accept investment applications from their clients, despite the fact that these questionnaires are “fundamentally flawed”, the annual conference of the Financial Planning Institute (FPI) …

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