What are the tax implications for the beneficiary of my living annuity?

Ascor®Independent Wealth Managers Tax Services page

What are the tax implications for the beneficiary of my living annuity? Wouter Fourie (CFP®) Question: Will my minor grandchild be able to register as a taxpayer? If I bequeath my living annuity to a grandchild, I believe he has to receive an income from it (monthly or otherwise). Assuming that he is still a …

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Average living annuity drawdown is 7.8%

Wouter Fourie Moneyweb Average living annuity drawdown is 7.8% 04072017

Average living annuity drawdown is 7.8% By Wouter Fourie (CFP®) & Ryk van Niekerk Those who make a living annuity decision without financial advice are making a mistake, says Wouter Fourie.   RYK VAN NIEKERK: Welcome to this Financial Advisor podcast, where I speak to leading financial advisors. My guest today is Wouter Fourie of Ascor …

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Living or guaranteed annuities – which one is best for you?

Retirement convention living or guaranteed annuities 7june2017

Living or guaranteed annuities – which one is best for you? Wouter Fourie (CFP®), Director of Ascor® Independent Wealth Managers Both products have a role to play in a well-structured financial plan – FPI conference discussion.   [spacer height=”20px”]Most members of pension funds who retire choose the products on offer without much advice, and often …

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